Summer is fast approaching, and if you’ve booked your summer holiday, check out our 8 top tips on how to save money on all those travel essentials, from minibus airport transfers to getting the best currency rates.

There’s much more to a summer holiday than the flights and hotel, although travel agents would love to make it appear that simple, so it seems. There is a myriad of additional costs and tasks that hike up both the cost and stress levels associated with your holiday. Which is where we come in, simply follow these 8 tips and let us help you save money and stress on your Summer holiday.

1. Airport transfers:

The most important travel essential is Airport transfer. So, you know how you’re getting to your final destination, but do you know how you’re going to get yourself to and from the airport? Bristol Travel is an industry leading minibus hire specialist, whose expertise lie in airport transfers. Whatever your travel needs, we will collect you, your party and your luggage and take you to the airport terminal forecourt without fuss or hassle and in plenty of time! Unlike other minibus operators, we provide cost effective airport transfers, which means you won’t see us hiking the price of your airport transfer up over the summer holidays.

2. Currency:

“Should I buy early, or wait until I am about to leave?” When buying your holiday currency, you’re always better off buying outside of the airport, as they charge a significantly higher commission rate due to their captive audience. When considering the best route to take when purchasing holiday spending money there are a number of different options, such as picking a debit or credit card that can be used abroad, or you could consider taking out a pre-paid currency card. The Money Saving Expert has your back in this case, as they have a dedicated comparison website to help you find the best exchange rates.

3. Do the right checks:

Make sure you have conducted all the right checks, that means checking the name on your passport matches the name on your boarding pass. If it doesn’t you need to call your airline as soon as you can in order to get this rectified before your flight (this may incur a cost – check with your airline)

4. Passport:

There are an increasing number of countries which require at least six months’ validity on your passport, so make sure you have checked that your passport is within date ahead of your departure date. If you end up leaving this too late, a last-minute passport renewal will cost you £128!

5. Luggage:

Always weigh your luggage ahead of time to avoid excess baggage charges at the airport. Airlines have zero leniency when it comes to luggage limitations, and if you’re over your allotted weight allowance you’re going to face some hefty fines. Either that or you’re going to have to throw some of your items away.

6. Airport Parking:

Airport parking can seem like a good idea ahead of time, and if you book it well in advance you may be one of the lucky ones who get a good deal on their airport parking costs. However, you could just as easily be that person who finds themselves paying anywhere up to £45 per day to keep your car parked in the airport car park while you’re away. Take the added stress of driving to and from the airport, not to mention the costs, away, and book your airport transfers with Bristol Travel. Our punctual and professional drivers will drop you off, right at the terminal forecourt, and help you to unload your bags. We track your return flight, so if there is a delay, we know about it, which means your driver will be at the terminal forecourt waiting for you when you land back.

7. Travel Insurance:

Make sure you take out travel insurance as soon as your holiday is booked. Travel insurance doesn’t just cover you for medical emergencies, (like the European Health Insurance Card – EHIC), it also covers you for cancelled flights, lost luggage, stolen goods and much more – you can find out more about travel insurance here

The EHIC is another matter, this ensures you are able to obtain the same level of medical care in all European countries including Switzerland, all 27 members of the European Union plus Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein. Which basically means you’ll be provided with free medical care, and if not free at a considerably reduced cost. You can order you EHIC here. EHIC are valid for up to five years.

8. Mobile data:

As of Thursday 15th June, EU data roaming charges have been scrapped. But be aware, you could still be hit with unexpected costs. New EU regulations mean, anyone travelling to an EU member country will be able to use their data roaming at the same price as they would at home. But, and here’s the big but, if you exceed your contracted allowances you WILL be charged. All mobile providers have different rules laid out in regards to this, so check with your provider before you leave about the costs associated with going over your bundle allowance while in another EU country.

So, there it is, if you’re planning a Summer getaway we hope these tips have been useful, and don’t forget, it’s never too late to book your airport transfer with Bristol Travel, we will never hike the price up, even for last minute bookings. Call the team on 01454549165


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Risk Assessment

Bristol Travel Ltd has always put safety as its number one priority and right now, this is more important than ever.

Things may be a little different but ensuring safety and well-being always comes first and we want customers to be confident to travel with Bristol Travel Ltd and colleagues to have peace of mind when at work.

This article provides a summary assessment of our approach to reducing the risk to our customers, colleagues and others affected by our operations of contracting Covid-19 when travelling or working with Bristol Travel Ltd.

In determining appropriate control measures, we have followed relevant Government guidance and will continue to review these measures as this develops. 


We have consulted and taken feedback from:

• Government bodies including the Department for Transport, Public Health England.

• Trade and industry bodies including CPT (Confederation for Passenger Transport UK)

• Our partner operators

• Suppliers and contractors

This has assisted us in designing and implementing the controls which are summarised below.

Risk controls

We have implemented a number of key risk controls across our vehicle fleet as follows…

Social distancing

• Signage, posters to control social distancing

• Limiting the maximum capacity of all Minibuses. Passengers travelling alone will be asked to sit in window seats. People travelling together as part of the same household or in a social bubble (as defined by the Government) may, on certain selected routes and at our discretion, be able to sit together. This means the aisle seat may be occupied but on one side of the vehicle only.

Cleaning and personal hygiene

• Enhanced cleaning regimes and increased frequency of cleaning of touch points

• The introduction of regular aerosol based disinfection with a high performance antiviral solution –  sometimes called ‘fogging’ – on our vehicles

• Mandatory requirement for customers to wear a face covering when in our vehicles

• Hand sanitiser available for customers at entrance to vehicles

• Disposable face masks available to all customers. 

Managing customers, colleagues and partners

• Management structures allow oversight and regular supervision of these control measures

• Management teams who are briefed and or trained on the relevant guidelines

• Monitoring programme to ensure compliance with risk controls

• Communication via briefings, posters.

• Guidance to only use Designated pickup points if travelling and limiting arrival time to manage capacity at pickup points.

• Staggered work patterns, including meal and break times

Risk evaluation and results

Based on our evaluation of the current controls, the risks associated with coronavirus (COVID-19) are reduced to as low as is reasonably practicable within our vehicles.

Terms & Conditions

These are the conditions of hire of Bristol Travel Ltd, (hereinafter called “the company”). They form the basis of the contract under which the company agrees to hire its vehicles to the customer (hereinafter called “the hirer”).

1. Breakdown and Delays

The company gives its advice on journey time in good faith. However, as a result of breakdown or traffic congestion, or other events beyond the reasonable control of the company, journeys may take longer than predicted and in those circumstances, the company will not be liable for any loss or inconvenience suffered by the hirer as a result.

2. Liability for Injury

The company will not accept any liability for damage, injury or loss for any passenger standing up or walking around the vehicle whilst in motion.

3. Use of the Vehicle

The hirer cannot assume the use of the vehicle between outward and return journeys, nor that will it remain at the destination of the hirer’s use unless this has been agreed with the company in advance.

4. The Use of Other Operators Vehicles

The company reserves the right to substitute other operators’ vehicles in place of its own for any journey or part thereof.

5. Payment Terms

A one third deposit is payable at the time of booking. The balance of the hire charge is payable by seven days prior to the date of hire, unless other payment terms are agreed as stated overleaf. (The company reserves the right to decline to execute any work when the foregoing condition has not been adhered to, in which case the deposit becomes forfeitable by the hirer to the company).

6. Passenger Capacity and Seat Belts

No passenger may be carried in excess of the seating capacity of the vehicle and passengers must wear the seat belts provided at all times.

7. Drivers hours regulations

The hours of operation for the driver are regulated by law and the hirer accepts the responsibility of ensuring the hire keeps to the hours and times agreed by the Company. Neither the hirer nor any passenger shall delay or otherwise interrupt the journey in such a way that the driver is at risk of breaching regulations relating to driving hours and duty time. If any breach is likely to occur, the hirer will be responsible for any additional costs incurred unless it is outside the control of the hirer.

8. Conduct of Passengers

a) The driver is responsible for the safety of the vehicle at all times and as such may remove any passenger whose behaviour prejudices safety or is in breach of the Public Service Vehicle (Conduct of Drivers, Inspectors, Conductors and Passengers) Regulations 1990. These regulations set out certain rights and responsibilities on all parties and full details of these can be obtained from the company on request. The hirer is responsible for any damage caused to the vehicle by any passenger for the duration of the hire.

b) Where the hire is to a sporting event, the hirer should be aware of the legal requirements relating to alcohol, contained in the Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol) Act 1985, (as amended) and the conditions of entry to racecourses as laid down by the Race Course Association Ltd. The company will provide details of these restrictions on request.

9. Cancellations

Cancellation by The Hirer

a) For Cancellation more than 5 working days prior to the first day of the hire – the cancellation charge to the hirer is £50 per vehicle per day of hire.

b) For Cancellation less than 5 working days prior to the first day of the hire – the cancellation charge to the hirer is 50% of the total hire charge.

c) For Cancellation on the day prior to, the charge to the hirer is 75% of the total hire charge.

d) For Cancellation on the day the cancellation charge to the hirer is 100% of the total hire charge.

e) Upon cancellation, the hirer will also be liable to pay for any additional items or services that have been bought and paid for on behalf of the hirer in advance of the hire. For example, ferry services, theatre tickets, meals, parking permits, accommodation andguide services etc. Every effort will be made by the company to reduce this liability however all non-retrievable charges will be the responsibility of the hirer.

Cancellation by the Operator

Once a booking is confirmed by the hirer, the Operator will never cancel a hire (as long as payment terms have been adhered to). In cases of extreme weather conditions or exceptional circumstances out of the Operators control, Bristol Travel will liaise with the hirer and make every reasonable effort to make sure the hire is completed.

10. Consumption of Alcohol

The consumption and or carrying of alcohol in the passenger compartment of company vehicles is strictly forbidden unless permission has been obtained from the company.

11. Returnable Additional Deposits

The company reserves the right to insist upon a returnable additional deposit being provided by the hirer in addition to the hire charge. This deposit will be returned to the hirer following completion of the hire provided that non-additional expenses were incurred by the company which were a direct result of the hirers, or his passengers actions.

12. No smoking policy

Hirers should note that this company operates a policy of no smoking on all company vehicles. This policy will be strictly enforced. Would hirers please bring this condition to the attention of all passengers
intending to travel on the coach. 

13. Airport or Ferry Transfers

On collecting passengers from airports, ferry ports, etc., the coach will wait for one hour after the prearranged collection time free of charge. After that additional waiting time will be charged at the discretion of the company. 

14. Acceptance of Our Quotation

Implies acceptance of the above conditions.

15. Complaints

In the event of a complaint about the company’s services, the hirer should endeavour to seek a solution at the time by seeking assistance from the driver, or from the company by calling our support staff on 01454 549 165. If this has not provided a remedy, complaints should be submitted in writing and within 14 days of the termination of the hire. The company shall reply to any complaints within 48 hours of receipt of the same. Please contact our Private Hire Manager by email at 

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy sets out how Bristol Travel Ltd. uses and protects any information that you give Bristol Travel Ltd. when you use this website.

Bristol Travel Ltd. is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using this website, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement.

We also use cookies with Google Analytics, although your identity remains anonymous.

Bristol Travel Ltd. may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes. This policy is effective from 1st December 2019.

What we collect

We may collect the following information:

Name, telephone number and e-mail address

Journey details, which may include your home address

What we do with the information we gather

We require this information to understand your needs and provide you with a better service, and in particular for the following reasons:

To provide you with a quote for our services

To send booking confirmations and payment receipts

To contact you in relation to a booking that you currently have with us


We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online.

How we use cookies

A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer’s hard drive. Once you agree, the file is added and the cookie helps analyse web traffic or lets you know when you visit a particular site. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual.

The web application can tailor its operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences.

We use traffic log cookies to identify which pages are being used. This helps us analyse data about web page traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to customer needs.

We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes and then the data is removed from the system.

Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website, by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us.

You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. This may prevent you from taking full advantage of the website.

Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website.

Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.

Controlling your personal information

You may choose to restrict the collection or use of your personal information in the following ways:

Whenever you are asked to fill in a form on the website, look for the box that you can click to indicate that you do not want the information to be used by anybody for direct marketing purposes if you have previously agreed to us using your personal information for direct marketing purposes, you may change your mind at any time by writing to or emailing us by selecting here.

We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so.

You may request details of personal information which we hold about you under the Data Protection Act 1998. A small fee will be payable.

If you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please write to or email us as soon as possible, at the above address. We will promptly correct any information found to be incorrect